Monday, September 05, 2011

personality type


1. Extrovert/Introvert
2. Sensitive/INtuitive
3. Thinking/Feeling
4. Judging/Perceiving

I should be an INTP but I somewhat lean towards ISTP as well. I think intuitively and then try to approach with rational/details. I am not a complete INTP and cannot live in my own workd. I rely on popular opinion but only to see how applicable my approaches are (makes sense to me, if I am an ISTP).

The ISTP personality type is likely to be analyst (which I am). I should be doing something that an INTP can do. The following link summarizes my problem:

2. Another concept is that of Holland Code. My Holland Code seems to be IAC (Investigative, Artistic, Conventional). As I said, it is not easy being artistic and conventional. Wikipedia describes the following letters in the Holland Code :
  • Realistic - practical, physical, hands-on, tool-oriented
  • Investigative - analytical, intellectual, scientific, explorative
  • Artistic - creative, original, independent, chaotic
  • Social - cooperative, supporting, helping, healing/nurturing
  • Enterprising - competitive environments, leadership, persuading
  • Conventional - detail-oriented, organizing, clerical

1 comment:

mapuna said...

I had taken this test a very long time ago but had forgotten the results. Here the latest one: INFP

Introverted 33%
Intuitive 38%
Feeling 50
Perceiving 67