Friday, December 20, 2013

The rising costs of banks’ reputation

The latest Woody Allen movie is based on the life of Jasmine, a Manhattan socialite married to a banker who loses herself into depression as the dual life of the dishonest banker unveils. In the popular media of the post-crisis world, the picture of bankers’ greed destroying the society has become all too familiar. Hollywood however, dramatizes both sides of the story and hence for every movie made on the crisis, there is another equally compelling one that sells the dream of making it big in the city. Which side are people on is clearly not easy to assess through Woody Allen’s cinema alone.

But the survey on British Social attitudes published since 1983 is quite clear on whether the reputation of banks in public’s eye has been affected or not. In 1983, where 90% of the people surveyed thought that banks were "well run", now only 19% think that to be the case. The decline in public favor for banks is not to do with the onslaught of crisis alone. A lot of factors, it would seem, had acted against the public opinion of banks long before the crisis developed.

One of the well known factors that worked against the reputation of banks was economic inequality. With higher inequality in the 1980s, more people were to carry resentment against financial institutions. But the unification of financial services in the 1990s contributed to the resentment in some ways as well. As more and more banks came together acting in similar, standardized ways they were destined to collectively share the blame1 when crisis came along with its devastating impact on jobs and income2 3.

However, the preconditions of the crisis do not understate the effect of crisis itself. Financial crisis had immense negative impact on faith in all institutions in the UK. The faith in the UK government itself went from 40% to 20% according to the survey. In fact one of the reasons for loss of credibility in government was the role played by governments in bailing out banks.

Better prepared to handle public anger than banks, the governmental institutions have often unequivocally highlighted the failure on the banks’ part. In its report ‘Changing banking for good’4, the Parliamentary Commission which was setup to investigate the LIBOR scandal mentions that “In recent times, shockingly poor standards and culture have been revealed (in banking).” The report goes on to present “a picture of casual corruption set against a luxurious lifestyle”.

Andrew Tyrie, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards, admitted that actions of regulators and governments have contributed to the decline in standards as well. Unfortunately for banks, as he also points out, the damage to the public opinion had already been done. With no direct interface with the public except through consumer banking, the financial industry was slow to react to the developing anger in public had its reputation damaged gravely by leaving the opportunity for press to fuel public anger against the financial institutions.

While promoting his book, Philipp Meyer, a UBS trader turned writer, described the immorality of traders he saw in banking. Writing for The Independent he said that “financial markets operate on the principle that, at our core, we’re all selfish, self-interested creatures.”He claimed that the lavish lifestyle of bankers was maintained at the cost of crumbling public institutions5.

There is indeed a recurring pattern when it comes to media reports on financial crises. An unqualified connection is often drawn between all the underperformance and bankers’ paycheck. The news stories thus told may have had some issues with causality but they were compelling enough to transform an unfavorable image of banks that prevailed during the 2000s into a severe negative perception after the crisis. The loss of jobs and industry’s behavior were all collectively attributed to large corporates and banks together 6 7. The public anger that followed created largely biased viewpoints in media and elsewhere2  with financial institutions as prime targets.

In 2009, working for JP Morgan in New York, what I witnessed as harmless and democratic protests around Chase Manhattan Plaza were soon to into a series of protests known as the Occupy Wall Street campaign. The public anger had transformed into unsettling notoriety and chaos.

While the effect of such protests on a city’s functioning and the image is clearly detrimental, what was far more unsettling at the time was the discovery that, once again, the public anger was not directed at a particular event, entity or phenomenon. In the eyes of the public, banks were collectively responsible for all that was wrong with the economy. The newspapers and media could record and analyze the events around Occupy Wall Street, but a deeper introspection on transparency in institutions, the rising pressures on the US economy and concerns related ethics in corporate governance was largely missing from the analysis.

It does not come as a surprise that the press itself has lost a lot of its prestige among public. Only 27% of the people participating in the British Social Attitudes Survey now think that newspapers are well run compared with 53% about 30 years ago. That is not to say that the role public media plays in shaping public opinion does not matter. In fact public opinion is very much shaped by the choices that journalists make everyday. As banking operates on trust of people, the damage to reputation caused by crisis is something banks would need to worry about.

The damaged reputation is sure to impact consumer banking immediately. With greater regulation and unification of products, trust has become a deciding factor for consumers in choosing different products offered by banks 8. A loss of trust would imply consumers’ disinterest in financial products and general risk-aversion. The risk aversion could reflect itself at higher levels over time and eventually as losses. The British Social Attitudes survey report points out that the attitudes to credit have significantly worsened after the financial crisis of 20099.

The job of financial institutions is to provide fair value of money to people. They act as an exchange where assets from all industries can be traded and new opportunities are created in the way. Even though investors and corporates are not immediately affected by an opinion shift, the declining public favor might help competitors of the UK financial companies and also encourage legislation to limit activities of major banks. The rise of shadow banking institutions and the government’s support for them may also be influenced by a rise in negative public opinion.

Another area to be affected would be the pool of talent that finance jobs attract. Although the choice of economics is still popular among young graduates but a swing in public opinion as well as decline in the job prospects has meant that finance companies don’t dominate the favorite choices of graduates any more. If compensation schemes come under further attack, the problems in recruitment of talent would present additional costs to financial companies.

A lot of unfavorable reporting on banks in the media points to serious problems in banking. There were issues related to mismanagement and financial misconduct in banking that still need to be taken care of. There is conclusive evidence that in pursuit of short-term goals and with limited downside risks, some banks did lose oversight and control. To be able to regain the public image the banks would need to engage more directly with public and focus on initiatives as Project Merlin. The survey of British social attitudes also hints at the rising need to support SMEs. This need, however difficult to meet, is a definite opportunity for banks to salvage their image. 

Fair business practices needs to advertised among public and transparency needs be adopted more thoroughly in financial institutions. There is research suggesting that less informed persons were disproportionately far more likely to be “angry” with banks about the crises than persons that had some knowledge of banking. Investing in financial education would go a long way in restoring the faith of public in both governments and banks. 

Behind current financial problems lie the unprecedented and aggressive pressures on the global economy. In Europe, where public expenditure has increased to its limits, public services struggle to support with an aging population. In Asia, the new players may have brought new energy to the global markets, but rapid modernization has presented an ever higher pressure on global resources. The development of financial institutions is necessary to respond to the new challenges and support the development of new firms which can drive the needed innovation10. Health of our banking system is something that concerns both governments and corporates.

While real problems of economy can hardly be solved with an image-building exercise, a favorable image of banking in public is necessary to ensure participation of the public. The solution to current problems does not have to be as drastic as popular media might have you think but a focus on transparency in financial transactions and assurance of public participation would ensure that the democratic institutions of our society are well prepared to address the challenges to global economy that lie ahead.


1. McGoldcrick P.J. et al, 1992, Competition between banks and Building Societies in the Retailing of Financial Services
2. Vincente, J., Sabate, J. and Puerta, J. (2004), “A study of industry evolution in the face of major environmental disturbances: group and firm strategic behaviour of Spanish banks, 1983-1997”, British Journal of Management, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 219-45
3. Bravo, R., Montana, T. and Pina, J. (2009), “The role of bank image for customers versus non-customers”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 27 No. 4, pp. 315-34
6. Leiser, D., Gironde, S. and Benita, R. (2010), “Human foibles or systemic failure? Lay perceptions of the 2008-2009 financial crisis”, Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol. 39, pp. 132-41
7. Bodenhausen, G., Sheppard, L. and Kramer, G. (1994), “Negative affect and social judgement: the differential impact of anger and sadness”, European Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp. 45-62 
8. Cox, P. (2007), “Should a financial service provider care about trust? An empirical study of retail saving and investment allocations”, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Vol. 12 No. 1, pp. 75-87.
9. John Curtice, Alison Park, A tale of two crises: banks, MPs' expenses and public opinion, British social attitudes: the 27th report
10. Rajan R.G., Zingales L., The great reversals: the politics of financial development in the twentieth century, Journal of Financial Economics 69 (2003) 5–50

A trip to Indian backwaters

The plan to get to Mysore was last minute. I had already booked a hotel for the night in Bangalore and we could have just stayed there - running water, no power cuts, shiny chrome taps and an A/C whose workings had just been explained. But we all knew how difficult it has now become to get around in Bangalore. In the once garden city where I had had the bumpy rides of my youth riding auto-rickshaws, I was now met with eye-burning pollution during long waits at traffic lights. What once were villages were now “skylish” apartments. We could do better than staying trapped in the hotel - we said to ourselves - and the plan to Mysore was hatched. I found a cheap hotel in Mysore to convince myself of the plan’s economy and hailed a cab to Mysore. A lot of cab operators still haven’t found GPS feasible enough in India and so were to rely on my cell-phone to get to the destination. After some navigation from the back seat I got ourselves to the hotel in Mandi Mohalla. The driver was to sleep in the car while we headed to our cheap room.

It was past midnight and I was too tired to worry about anything else but a good sleep. The squat toilet worked just fine and the checked pure wool quilts which hurts your skin bad gave me a sense of that nostalgia of 80s which I still seek in India and quietly put me to bed.

Morning was to wake me up with chatters on the street in a familiar language which I didn’t so much understand. The noises of bicycle bells, scootie horns, miscellaneous pots shaken on carriages by road bumps and occasional yells in Kannada were filling up the streets. There was a knock on the door . Which I answered but was unable to understand. I picked up the few words in English which the boy said and walked straight to reception. There was no concern about anything I was told. The boy had apparently misunderstood what he was asked to do and came knocking at the door.

I walked back getting a better look of the hotel now. Right outside my room on the right was a courtyard paved with irregular stones that were joined together with cement and dust of time. The sunlight shone at all corners and had kept the potted plants alive. The floor of the hotel paved in mosaic, was studded with glass fragments that formed square patterns converging into a flower. The morning light in India, more so than other places, gives a yellowish tint to reality. The noises then form a certain music and a small corner maintained with only little order makes a refuge from chaos of markets and the world around.

It was this order of world which my childhood was built with. There was no internet, the TV ran only in evenings and we spent our summers playing carrom board, card games or reading thick Indrajal comic books. The TV ran in the evenings and was fullu controlled by my grandpa much the way TV broadcasts themselves were controlled by the government. The half hour of Chitrahar on Wednesdays played songs that sew the ideas of love and separation much before sexuality could have made any sense to a child’s mind.

Back inside my room, I switched the TV on out of curiosity. I had preconceptions of what was to be on. The free and dynamic world of the TV had become quite repetitive in the decade of globalization - sensationalization of trivial reports, retorts and empty slogans exchanged between dynasts, goons and politicians and soft-porn of the mainstream cinema. Men were all now hooked to it in the increasing order of these.

The quiet world of my childhood now found only in poor neighborhoods of India had long departed from its cities and though I have only hit 30s this world seems to have been moved to a museum - of which I can only pick up the reminiscence of at places where globalization still has not made its way.

Not without their clashes the two worlds - market and backyard - seem to coexist in India. The urban India claims to have become West already while the rural backwaters of India struggle to survive - untrained in Western ways and trying hard only to get by.

There is a new song on TV for a film to be released next year - models as Nicole Faria and Evelyn Sharma show up in the trailer song, enjoying the beach, the sun and company of the Indian rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh. There is a certain buzz to the song, vibes of a new, money squandering, prosperous India and I quite like it.

But there is also the other song on Zee Cinema, of which I still relish the poetry of.

جب چلی ٹھنڈی ھوہ جب ئٹی کالی گھٹا
مجھکو اے جانےوفہ تم یاد آیے
زیندگی کی داستاں چاھے کتنی ھو ھسیں
بن تیرے کچھ بھی نھیں بن تیرے کچھ بھی نھیں

As the wind caresses me and clouds come up to the sky,
I think of you - the soul of my promised life*
The story of my life may be as pleasant as it is right now,
But it means nothing without you, nothing without you.

Asha Parekh, the actress, takes leave from a pair that tried to engage her into dancing and sings the song - out of nowhere as is always in the movies of the time and spends about five minutes mostly staring at the camera in an agony of separation which we don’t see on camera any more. It is that innocence, that rather repressed longing for the beloved that is nowhere to be seen in the new India. But why then is it still on TV - I wonder - and why do I keep coming back to it?

I think a lot of what we consider happiness did come out of this innocence. We often find comfort in losing ourself to another person - caring for someone else without the hope of getting something back. The world of my childhood may have departed but this control-sharing of Indian families, probably inherent, still survives. That could be why that seeing the cacophony of India media, it is my granddad’s (remote) control that I miss the most.

To reconcile the departure of the 80s world I often tell myself that the life was a bit too controlled in the 80s. Perturbed by the noise of Indian media, I often relish the memories of dharmyug, saptahik hindustan and krishi darshan when the license raj wouldn’t have allowed just anybody to broadcast whatever they wanted. In quitting the era of parental and governmental control, we seemed to have lost a bit of self-reflection as well. I see an excess of thinktanks, aspiring writers and international commentators but an orchestra of international acclaim is yet to come out of India. As I move closer to 40s and witness the departure of the world that brought me up I try coming to terms with that some things gone would never come back. The Hindi commentary, its popularity and its literature are not going to come back in that same form and whatever comes back or is reinvented would be as alien to me as anything else.

Indeed there are those who see continuity amidst the disparities of India and are fine with the demonic contrasts which globalization has unleashed. Enjoying the comforts of Western life, however, I still wish that I had spent more time on carrom, cards rather than video games and soft-porn. There is too much tantalizing on TV - everywhere - I think. There is a constant rush to reclaim what you could be missing out on without answering what you really want. What started as science in the era of enlightenment has now been reduced to knowledge of chemicals and genes that drive your body to get what it desires. The quite backwaters of India offer a stop where you could still think of what you’re missing before you’re madly after it.

*وفاء wafāʼ - loyalty, sincerity; consciensciousness

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Religion and war

The rather latent interaction of our society with paganism always amazes me. I am often that told that my tendencies of withdrawal and of seeking solitude partly drive my often awkward observations of pagan roots of our social customs. It is true that my withdrawal from society often enables me to see, for example, roots of Christianity in blood rituals or images of martyrdom that the early Christianity expanded with.

It is not just for amusement however that I find paganism in our modern notions of martyrdom and sanctity of war. Reading modern media of all kinds, it is war it seems, of one kind or the other, that justifies and perpetuates our existence in the world. Celebrations of war in our society may not be very compatible with the compassion of Christianity (or any other "religion" for that matter) but the celebrations survive - the pagan roots of our societies having not been superceded by any religion as yet. Religion or government which descended from the former, only cherrypicks the means of violence while the our pagan untamed tendencies of violence remain wild and uncontrolled. Instead of sanctifying such tendencies, which war does, it is better to understand our tendencies. Sadly our governments don't always help us do that.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Rhythms unnecessary - Attempts at Poetry


Coming back after a day full of meetings,
I take the bus out of London.
Soon we'll be in the countryside,
where glassbox offices would appear Martian.

It's dark now and a dim light is on
for the passenger sitting before me.
It's not Daily Mail that he reads,
a topic far too numbing for his ride.

The red buses and grayed pavements,
Rain, lipsticks, heel and umbrellas.
the constant flurry of pedestrians,
waiting for one another to arrive,
are the paradox in defending quietness.

Monday, November 04, 2013


I find it somewhat amazing that for academic achievements just concentration alone matters the most. In my early childhood I could perform well (relatively) without needing to concentrate. Later when I was in college it appeared that I worked better under pressure. I considered this realization as my inherent nature throughout my studies and it probably even let me choose more "challenging" tasks in places where I would have to struggle a little.

It was difficult to find happiness with belief in working-under-pressure. In reality pressure had worked better for me only because I could concentrate only when I was under pressure - by eliminating all distractions. It was not easy to eliminate distractions in my adolescence without a pressure of some sort. It is probably only natural to experience this in adolescence. However, social withdrawal meant that my prolonged hours of studying literature, history and philosophy, although for fun but were always just "wanderings" of the mind. I could never think of making a career out what I enjoyed only because I could never concentrate on what I could give to others and thus make a career out of.

Friday, November 01, 2013


There is just one word, so far, that defines business school for me - "polishing". It is polishing all around - you polish your resumé, you polish your speech and of course you need to keep your shoes polished at all times.

There are not many rules in business but the basic rules which exist cannot be broken. You cannot break the rules of smalltalk, you cannot discuss politics, you don't talk about ethnic or cultural backgrounds or worse - how they might matter in the global environment. The gleam of money and status knows no prejudice or boundaries. It is seductive and draws everyone in. The businessmanship that you are meant to develop is upward mobile by definition - at least always mobile anyways.

So this necessary phase of polishing by itself what would make you forget for once where you have came from and let you build this polished image which can take you anywhere.

Monday, April 29, 2013

abstract reasoning

In studying physics and in mathematics, what fascinated me most was abstract reasoning. There was a sense of comfort in avoiding equations or free-body diagrams and using logic to rule out inelegant solutions. That is what I loved physics for.

When asked why does a cord hanging between two ends sags only in the middle, I could provide the answer with free-body diagrams but I am far more likely to explain the solution with symmetry. Since the state of the cord must be same to all observers (within relativistic limits I guess) I could argue that the cord has nowhere else to sag.
In retrospect, such reasoning is why I appreciated physics. I wasn't motivated to solve problems of n-ended chords or asymmetric chords as much I was interested in the abstract reasoning and moving on to seeking symmetry in other places.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

News not views

In a blog entry, Neha Paliwal points out that food prices after all have not been so much of a trigger for Arab Spring. Earlier Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed had declared food price volatility a fundamental trigger for political instability. Neha points out that inflation-adjusted prices have in fact not gone up in the middle-east – so it's difficult to assert that food prices had a big role to play in the Arab Spring.

It just goes to show that we lack the standards which can let us measure the accuracy of political analyses. Some scrutiny is needed before fiction can make it to the public masquerading as analysis. The conclusions which journalists and writers often draw on economy and politics are subjective – even fictional. Although our institutions – law and governments - don't run on subjective grounds yet somehow a wide gap seems to exist between law and media when it comes to ed-pieces and commentary on economics or politics. It's not just that media stories read a lot different from documents of law. It's that what media offers as analysis is often a selective medlee of laws and data.

Such gaps won't be a problem if entertainment is all that media was offering. But unfortunately truth is claimed to be offered in those sweeping conclusions drawn on politics and news. The interpretation of data – whether it be that of Mr Ahmed, Paul Krugman or Jim Cramer - seldom receives scrutiny. We assume the truth in extrapolation of data judging by the repoutation of the author or the journal.  Stating the extrapolation or adding scatter plots 
often don't sell the story - so what we're sold instead are prose of doom or self-appraisal written by people who we trust. This may not offer us consistency or semlbance of a truth but allows us to choose our news the way we swtich channels on TV.

Empire State of Mind

While reading Amit Chaudhari's Afternoon raag today some distant memories of my own childhood were evoked. Growing up in Northern India, it seems strange that some of us lived with our minds placed outside our vast country. We had been colony for such a long time that being a colony was ingrained in our society. I was too young at the time to have understood the post-colonial context of my surroundings but I can clearly remember of my English teacher and my grand-dad having an unexplained respect for the British. My dad on the other hand - a rebellious believer of Indian self-dependence – did not pay much respect to the West. He seemed conscious of the Western might and he was proud of having studied at an early Victorian college but somehow managed to fight the tendencies to fall in love with the West – as if having learned the futility of such romance from the previous generation.

The West existed in such unspoken subjects in my childhood. My grand-dad had taken British for granted and at school and without realizing I too was a part of this same system. We all had a tendency to assume British supremacy in all matters. We spoke local tongues but whenever someone had to make a strong argument, switching to English seemed natural. It gave it that official touch. All disagreements over anything in fact came to an end if someone could quote from a book published in English. The possibility of publishing something in English ourselves was so distant that nothing in our world could have possibly questioned the authenticity of a book written in English. In a strange way therefore the Empire was still in our minds even if in reality it was long gone.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

resigning from the act

As I try writing finishing up my article I find a pattern that has recurred in my life - I wrap up and move to something purportedly more productive. As a kid this was the math assignment - which would always take longer and which I would always be late for.

My interest in math was always and had always been only a philosophical one. I never liked numbers even though I was moderately good at it. I enjoyed Math only after I had discovered algebra and coordinate geometry; I enjoyed it more when I found they were one and the same. I would've loved to give some more time thinking or writing about it but as I grew up, becoming a lecturer in philosophy seemed as bad as resigning from life. It probably appeared much worse to my dad. In the end, I had to wrap up my act, attending the classes for a more commonplace and a more mundane profession.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Writing Course in London

To inspect some major defects in my writing I enrolled myself into a course for journalistic writing. I knew that I have nothing to lose - I have been writing only for myself (other than long boring investigative emails that I have to write at work) - so it was to be a nice experience finding out what real journalism is about.

I am amazed so far - discovering what some of my peers have set themselves to write about. One student who has been published multiple times wants to write from her own experience about recovering from loss of hearing. Another student, a farmer's daughter, is pitching a story about eating only from local produce grown in a small Scotland village. I esp loved the last idea. The student is also a documentary producer and I certainly believe this is worth a documentary. 

I myself have not been able to write anything substantial - I have been thinking of two articles - one about bullying and the other about mobile-apps for weight- loss. But I am in an environment where I am inspired to write.

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