Saturday, October 25, 2008


Originally uploaded by Roshans Album
A great shot. I wonder where this is.

It is hard to find buildings like these. I wish people were being more creative at least when building their own houses. Urban architecture seems getting lost into vapid materialism one bolstered with Home-Depot products and Ikea furniture.

I tend to think that modern architecture tries to please everyone a bit too much and thus like most others who do that comes up with things that are bland and possibly characterless. It could be that it is guided too much by science in its attempt to project a realism that is rationally justified and has minimal attributes.

I don't see anything wrong with minimalism but if people were just a bit more creative and just preserved the idea of building a house and not just buying or acquiring it, the houses would have become more beautiful by themselves. Beauty lies in beholders eyes after all.

Who knows we probably would have escaped the current financial crisis had the idea of a house as a place to live and not to gamble had prevailed.


Prakash M Kini said...

ROshan is a good friend of mine. Will ask him and let you know where it was taken. (I am assuming somewhere near my beautiful Mangalore).

Anurag said...

that would be great! thanks.

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