Saturday, August 23, 2008

My love for languages

The thoughts are organized with metaphors. We could metaphorize everything but we draw boundaries around some to form units that can be used generically enough over our other observations. That is how words get formed. There are prefixes, suffixes and prepositions that we use to play with these. Our constructs are logical but our mind transcends them. Languages evolve by letting themselves challenged by the human mind. The language tries to bound all thought and the thoughts keep expanding the language.

A stale and dead language is where people have stopped thinking in; the thriving language is where people are thinking new ideas in.

Languages to me is an imprint of a society - a sink and exigesis of all the thoughts put in to the former by the latter. Lanuage of an era is a snapshot in time of the society. Knowing the language is like reading the blue-print of a society.

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