I have repeatedly come to the conclusion that optimism is about a little bit of ignorance- not necessitated not inevitable, but a consciously chosen one. If you were really sure that you are going to succeed there would have been no need of that feeling what one calls optimism.
I can see that knowing too much about everything gives birth to pessimism and that it is inevitable: The real underlying problem is that you never actually know everything completely. You can only claim or believe that you know everything. The point where you think you've known everything, or realise that you know too much about everything, you see every thing as deterministic, doomed. Your own conclusions bear a lot of certainty, only in your mind. That is where pessimism begins from. Knowing too much, I think is highly likely to lead one into pessimism.
I can see that in my personal life as well. The people around me knowing very little about history, politics, philosophy are the happiest one, brimming with energy, and very much optimistic about life. Since they don't know, they don't predict, nor do they expect failure. Keeping on trying in hope of success is what an optimist does. Once you choose to think about the metaphysics of success and failure, you are bound to become at least a bit pessimistic...
I could go on talking about it, but thats all for now...
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