Thursday, February 14, 2013

resigning from the act

As I try writing finishing up my article I find a pattern that has recurred in my life - I wrap up and move to something purportedly more productive. As a kid this was the math assignment - which would always take longer and which I would always be late for.

My interest in math was always and had always been only a philosophical one. I never liked numbers even though I was moderately good at it. I enjoyed Math only after I had discovered algebra and coordinate geometry; I enjoyed it more when I found they were one and the same. I would've loved to give some more time thinking or writing about it but as I grew up, becoming a lecturer in philosophy seemed as bad as resigning from life. It probably appeared much worse to my dad. In the end, I had to wrap up my act, attending the classes for a more commonplace and a more mundane profession.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Writing Course in London

To inspect some major defects in my writing I enrolled myself into a course for journalistic writing. I knew that I have nothing to lose - I have been writing only for myself (other than long boring investigative emails that I have to write at work) - so it was to be a nice experience finding out what real journalism is about.

I am amazed so far - discovering what some of my peers have set themselves to write about. One student who has been published multiple times wants to write from her own experience about recovering from loss of hearing. Another student, a farmer's daughter, is pitching a story about eating only from local produce grown in a small Scotland village. I esp loved the last idea. The student is also a documentary producer and I certainly believe this is worth a documentary. 

I myself have not been able to write anything substantial - I have been thinking of two articles - one about bullying and the other about mobile-apps for weight- loss. But I am in an environment where I am inspired to write.