Thursday, September 29, 2011

internet banking in India

I spent last 3 hours trying to buy a ticket from an Indian website. I had opened an account in India to avoid carrying cash/amex-checks with me while I am there, but I can't use the bank account for anything. Every time I try using the internet banking the password doesn't work. If I ask them for the password, they send me my password through mail (apparently that is much safe than resetting the password). I can't use the card for buying anything either because all merchants require me to login with password (another ridiculous lack of responsibility). I guess the only relief is banking exists in India and if you know the right people and are lucky enough things would work out for you. On paper, India has everything - democracy, freedom and capitalism but in practice, good luck if any of that works out for you.

Monday, September 05, 2011

personality type


1. Extrovert/Introvert
2. Sensitive/INtuitive
3. Thinking/Feeling
4. Judging/Perceiving

I should be an INTP but I somewhat lean towards ISTP as well. I think intuitively and then try to approach with rational/details. I am not a complete INTP and cannot live in my own workd. I rely on popular opinion but only to see how applicable my approaches are (makes sense to me, if I am an ISTP).

The ISTP personality type is likely to be analyst (which I am). I should be doing something that an INTP can do. The following link summarizes my problem:

2. Another concept is that of Holland Code. My Holland Code seems to be IAC (Investigative, Artistic, Conventional). As I said, it is not easy being artistic and conventional. Wikipedia describes the following letters in the Holland Code :
  • Realistic - practical, physical, hands-on, tool-oriented
  • Investigative - analytical, intellectual, scientific, explorative
  • Artistic - creative, original, independent, chaotic
  • Social - cooperative, supporting, helping, healing/nurturing
  • Enterprising - competitive environments, leadership, persuading
  • Conventional - detail-oriented, organizing, clerical